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Mandy Brooke THE Homepage

THE red wagon

Welcome to Tumwater Hill Library

  • The library is open after school until 3:45 Mondays through Thursdays for parents to check out books with students. If you have any questions, you can contact me.  


  • The THE library book-drop is a RED WAGON. Please place books in the RED WAGON to be returned to the library. Students do not need to wait until their library day to return a book. 


  • We accept book donations. Every year our budget allows the purchase of books to support a variety of demands. However, popular titles often need to be replaced. We accept gently used books and we will determine how they will be dispersed. Some books will go into circulation, some books will go into classroom libraries, some books will go through the counselor's office and become forever-books and finally, some books will go to our Little Free Library. Watch here or our Facebook page for when that will be open. 


  • If you want to browse the catalog, it is available from our school homepage under the tab LIBRARY. Also, check the resource page - it is the home tab. Students learn how to use this page during their library days and we do not have enough time to look at all of the resources there. I recommend the author pages! 


  • I am always happy to help students find their next great read. Reading is fundamental and essential. Research supports quantity over quality and self selection for developing the love for books. 


  • All of our students have electronic library cards through the Timberland Regional library. The card allows access to free resources, ebooks, audio books, and movies. Local library cards give you access to many resources. Contact me for details - especially if you are homeschooling. On the left side of the screen is a "helpful information tab". Click the tab for instructions about how to use this ecard. You can also find instructions on the district technology page.


Mrs. Brooke

Free Family Wellness Toolkit through Generation Wellness:



Families can access the Family Wellness Toolkit with this registration link:

Parents and students will enter their own email/password when signing in.

Once an account has been made, they can login anytime here:


Questions? Please email